6 Jan 2012

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"Hafizah Yak" <peterson_yak102@msn.com>

My Dearest one,
Hi, my name is Princess Hafizah Peterson Yak, l am 23years old originated from Sudan. I decide to contact you after my prayers; I really want to have a good relationship with you. My father Dr. Justin Yak was the former Minister for SPLA Affairs and Special Adviser to President Salva Kiir of South Sudan for Decentralization. My father Dr.Justin Yak and my mother including other top Military officers and top government officials had been on board when the plane crashed on Friday May 02, 2008.
You can read more about the crash through the below site:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/ africa/7380412.stm

After the burial of my father, my uncle conspired and sold my father's properties to a Chinease Expatriate and live nothing for me. On a faithful morning, I opened my father's briefcase and found out the documents which he have deposited huge amount of money in one bank in Burkina Faso with my name as the next of kin. I travelled to Burkina Faso to withdraw the money so that I can start a better life and take care of myself. On my arrival, the Branch manager of the Bank whom I met in person told me that my father's instruction to the bank was the money be release to me only when I am married or present a trustee who will help me and invest the money overseas.

I have decided to contact you after my prayers and I believe that you will not betray my trust. But rather take me as your own sister. Though you may wonder why I am so soon revealing myself to you without knowing you, well, I will say that my mind convinced me that you are the true person to help me. More so, I will like to disclose much to you if you can help me to relocate to your country because my uncle has threatened to assassinate me. The amount is $4.5 Million and I have confirmed from the bank in Burkina Faso. You will also help me to place the money in a more profitable business venture in your Country.

However, you will help by recommending a nice University in your country so that I can complete my studies. It is my intention to compensate you with 30% of the total money for your services and the balance shall be my capital in your establishment. As soon as I receive your interest in helping me, I will put things into action immediately. In the light of the above, I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to handle this transaction sincerely. Please do keep this only to your self. I beg you not to disclose it till I come over because I am afraid of my wicked uncle who has threatened to kill me.
Sincerely yours,
Princess Hafizah Yak


"saliha compare" <saliha1_061@msn.com>

My Dearest one,
Hi, my name is Princess Hafizah Peterson Yak, l am 23years old originated from Sudan. I decide to contact you after my prayers; I really want to have a good relationship with you. My father Dr. Justin Yak was the former Minister for SPLA Affairs and Special Adviser to President Salva Kiir of South Sudan for Decentralization. My father Dr.Justin Yak and my mother including other top Military officers and top government officials had been on board when the plane crashed on Friday May 02, 2008.
You can read more about the crash through the below site:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/ africa/7380412.stm

After the burial of my father, my uncle conspired and sold my father's properties to a Chinease Expatriate and live nothing for me. On a faithful morning, I opened my father's briefcase and found out the documents which he have deposited huge amount of money in one bank in Burkina Faso with my name as the next of kin. I travelled to Burkina Faso to withdraw the money so that I can start a better life and take care of myself. On my arrival, the Branch manager of the Bank whom I met in person told me that my father's instruction to the bank was the money be release to me only when I am married or present a trustee who will help me and invest the money overseas.

I have decided to contact you after my prayers and I believe that you will not betray my trust. But rather take me as your own sister. Though you may wonder why I am so soon revealing myself to you without knowing you, well, I will say that my mind convinced me that you are the true person to help me. More so, I will like to disclose much to you if you can help me to relocate to your country because my uncle has threatened to assassinate me. The amount is $4.5 Million and I have confirmed from the bank in Burkina Faso. You will also help me to place the money in a more profitable business venture in your Country.

However, you will help by recommending a nice University in your country so that I can complete my studies. It is my intention to compensate you with 30% of the total money for your services
and the balance shall be my capital in your establishment. As soon as I receive your interest in helping me, I will put things into action immediately. In the light of the above, I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to handle this transaction sincerely. Please do keep this only to your self. I beg you not to disclose it till I come over because I am afraid of my wicked uncle who has threatened to kill me.
Sincerely yours,
Princess Hafizah Yak


"Mr. Abdoul Douglas" <mr.sd.9@msn.com>

Dear Friend,

How Are You Today With Your Family? Hope all is well. Please, I would like you to give an urgent attention to this mail.
Though, I know it would come to you at uttermost surprise. I want to transfer the sum of US$10.5 Million to your bank account.
The fund belong to our deceased customer who died with his entire family in Iraq War 2006, leaving nobody for the claim and as such, I decided to contact you as to
enable us claim the fund. Your share is 40% while 60% for me. Contact me for more details:
This transaction is 100% risk free.

If You Accept This Offer To Work With Me, And You Find This Proposal Suitable For You With Sincerity, Do Furnish Me With The Following Information.

Your Full Name...................
Your Country................
Your Private Telephone...............
Your Age....................
Your Occupation...............

I Will Appreciate It Very Much, If This Proposal Is Acceptable By You, Do Not Make Undue Advantage Of The Trust I Have Bestowed On You, And I Assured You We Can Achieve It Successfully.

Mr. Saidou Douglas,
Islamic Development Bank.
Ouagadougou, Burkina-Faso.
"ali kareem" <ali.karimm333.94912@msn.com>

Dear Friend,
Please don't think evil regarding my message.
This message is strictly confidential and is for your attention only. And I am making this "Mutual Proposition" to you as a trusted and reliable person who can be capable to handle this transaction with me.
My Name is Ali Kareem. I am an account officer with the BANK OF AFRICA (BOA) here in my country - BURKINA FASO. There is a dormant account in the above mentioned Bank with abandoned sum of USA $15,200.000 (Fifteen Million, Two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only).
I discovered about this account while going through some old files in the records, and nobody operates on this account for long time now. The money is going to be forfeited for nothing if nobody come to claim it as soon as possible, and i don't want that to happen that's the main reason I contact you today. This account belongs to one MR.JOSEPH HARRISON. He is an AMERICAN NATIONAL but resided here before his death. Through BOA investigations, the man died since 1999 and since then the account is dormant and nobody came as the deceased next of kin to claim his money.
I contacted you because we have 100% chances to inherit the fund with my position in the bank here instead to allow it get forfeited for nothing. I would have done this deal alone but this money cannot be approved to me or any BURKINABE PERSON here, but can only be approved to any foreign person because the money is in us dollars and the owner of the account is a foreigner in this country. I don't want the total fund to get forfeited for nothing so I want you to assist me moves the fund out of the Bank Of Africa into your account for our mutual benefits and betterment of our entire families.
Before I contacted you for this I have perfected all the strategies that will ensure a successful transfer of the total fund into your account. This is legal and hitch-free transaction so you should not be afraid of anything. After this money must have been achieved, I will be entitled to 60% of the total fund as the originator of the deal, and 40% be yours for helping me actualized the fund. I need a strong assurance that you will not betray me or let me down hence the fund is transferred into your account.
If you are willing,capable and ready to assist me as i requested,kindly furnish me with the information as thus:
Full Name:........
Home Address:.....
Telephone number:......
Mobile Phone Number:......
Current Occupation:.....
I am waiting for your urgent and positive response along with the information for the take off of the transaction.

Thank You.
Mr.Ali Kareem

"Madam Alimata Raja" <madamma24@msn.com>

Dearest One,
I am Madam Alimata Raja I am a widow being that I lost my husband,my husband Late Mr Raja Sule was a serving director of the Cocoa exporting board until his death. He was assassinated by the rebels following the political uprising, before his death he made a deposit of Six Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($6,500,000.00USD) here in Ouagadougou Burkina Faso in one of the Security Company,he intended to buy a Cocoa processing Machine with the fund.I want you to help me for us to retreive this fund and transfer it to your account in your country or any safer place as you will be the beneficiary and recipient of the fund which we will use for joint investment in your country.I have plans to do investment in your country, like real estate and industrial production. This is my reason for writing to you. Please if you are willing to assist me and my only Daughter Linda Raja ,indicate your interest by replying urgently(from my Private Email Address alimata_raja@sify.com)

Thanks and best regards .

 Madam Alimata Raja


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